Thursday, May 07, 2009

Observation Diary Day 2

I decide not to post up today's condition photo because they are peeling ice and snow. Hideous.

After applying the medicine the infected area becomes drier and chipping more. It looks like some 80-year-old grandma who has never exfoliate their heels.

I only rubbed my fingers together and they created this.

On reading the contents of the solution, most of them are acids! Not sure how acidic are they but seeing them feels dangerous.

It also stated it is suitable for Hong Kong Foot and Eczema etc, I applied some on to the fold of my elbow, where I had a little Eczema during the hot weeks. I can only spell 3 words during the moment, TMD. I tried to wash away but the pain is still on for a few minutes and the whole applied area turns red, and this morning I notice a little burnt on area, really TMD. But my fingers feel only a little sting.

I will have mum to ask my aunt if she is having the same result as me. So, if you really want to see the condition of my fingers today, thumb and fingers.

Update: My aunt says peeling is normal, once started to peel leave it, if cannot then reapply again. Wah piang I follow instructions to apply 3 times daily for 2 days liao lor! Good skin also kena burn liao.


  1. Anonymous7:28 pm

    i had that a few months ago, and half my palm peeled and i had fun peeling them in class and grossing my classmates out :D

    but it suddenly go off O_O

