Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Proud to be a Singaporean? I will think twice now.

This debate was held some many years ago, and my answer was "Of course man! Singapore is the nicest country with everything so world class. Yada yada........ What are the people thinking when they say NO." Now I will have a double thought.

Maybe when a person is growing, you notice more things and they influence you more. I was so bored these days and decide to kill the time by sinking myself into forums and even browse through STOMP. When I suddenly wake up from the desperadoes, I was so shock at what I am reading. STOMP is seriously such a stupid, low class and useless site! How did it appear and stayed on till now?

Articles I read from STOMP includes a No Swimming Sign at the Vivo rooftop, where there are water puddles to play with, a triangular Pedestrian Walking Sign which was turned upside down, most prob due to loose screws. And they have this best ending they always have "STOMP has contact Vivo/LTA and is waiting for their reply." Who the hell has the time to reply on things like that? And with the escape of the world terrorist, troupes are sent out to search the forest and places, some one took a photo of a soldier taking shade under the tree and question their professionalism.

I really think that Singaporeans are leading a stagnant, unadventurous and boring life, nobody wish to step out of this what they think is a comfort zone and anything that need a change and attacking your territory means "Are you mad? You are cuckoo."

Sometimes ago, in a Taiwan famous talk show 康熙來了 there was a discussion why Asian (focusing on Singapore because most Taiwanese artiste came here to work b4) speaks English in a strange tone. And there is a loud complain and argument.

I seriously think what they said is completely right. I don't think the guy is in anyway wrong, we do pronounce those words like that especially the Uncle and Auntie part. Anyway there is no Aunty or Auntie, its Aunt.

When people criticise our fashion trend, "spaghetti top, tube, shorts and rubber flip flops" EVERYWHERE, there are replies like "Singapore is so hot! How can we where long sleeves? We sweat a lot its so smelly and feeling bad. Whats wrong with flip flops? They don't get wet in rain. Us like prostitute? They must have saw the real XXXXXX prostitute, its their tong xiang lor."

First nobody say long sleeves, short sleeves also varies in length, there are sleeveless which are not spags. Nothing wrong with flip flops, but they are not meant for all place and event and there are more presentable types. And if you want to be fashionable, you have to sacrifice, there are deodorant, perfume, essence oil that last the whole day. Hot and sweaty? What about the Malay and Indian woman? Afghan people lived in desert with so little trees some more. How long do you spent outdoors on a shopping trip? 95% of our shopping malls are air conditioned if you are afraid of sweating I presume you won't be risking your life on roadside stalls. No wonder we have so little branding over here.

Recycle? Ok Ok! I heard! Buy shopping bag because they are going to ask me pay for the plastic bag. What the world is going to end? End la, Singapore sure the first to die so small and flat Tsunami come no more le, no need worry. Many countries practice rubbish sorting before throwing, not only ours doesn't need sorting, ours are choked with everything big and small, long and short. And you find leftovers in recycle bin "Yucks! Cockroaches are everywhere! Didn't the cleaners clean properly? Why are people eating in bus? Take photo and post on STOMP, I scared he beat me I take from the back then he won't know."

Making fun of the escaped JI leader is ok, but looking down and not trusting our police and army, I think its really bad. I made fun of him too, I think he is going to make a video to apologise and asked that they stop pasting his picture everywhere, Edison scandal. Stine thought if he is going to dress in Hip Hop nobody will know he is limping.

I have heard so many passer-by saying "Stick so many for what already escape out le. Can find I eat shit, just take anyone and say caught liao la." I saw someone just walked past a pillar with the photo, purposely detour, slap his hand on it giggle and walked away, some one in shirt, pants and tie, I think he need a pacifier too.

Am I proud to be a Singaporean?