Sunday, July 08, 2007

Green Earth yea?!?!

The 07 07 07 date other then being special, at least then 06 06 06, has nothing else good. The world has done the stupidest thing.

Yeah that Live Earth concert, 7 continents, and 700 over artist or sumthing? To promote the danger of global warming, they say.

End results? Tons of plastic bottles + packet drinks + trashes + fumes from vehicles attending to the various concert location + 24 hr marathon over the TV = how much fuel and resources consume?

Getting the info to the public, I guess its less then 50% , and I believe those who knows how to keep earth in good condition doesn't attend these stupid concerts.

Just turning the channels logo green and advertising abt the concert, I don't think our media is doing sumthing positive. Why not just switch off all transmission of boring TV programmes and let the whole island radio, TV and any other appliances go to rest. Oh yeah don't forget to cut down the TV registeration fee we paid every year if you do that.

I heard over the TV only the Japanese did clean up after the concert, picking up junk, seperating the recyclable and reusable trash. And there was an interview with a China lady, "I think these(trash + traffic pollution) can't be help." Yeah, attending a green concert, did she learn anything?

I wasn't so green also cause I switch my comp on for almost a day, ya.. at least I didn tune in to the stupid concert.

BTW its PS bday today! Happy 22nd Birthday! Think you won't be seeing this, but still..... :D

Transformers more then meet the eyes
Transformers robots in disguise
Yeah I love them, rating 10/10 after LOTR. MUST SEE MOVIE 2007

1 comment:

  1. the concert was to promote awareness la, good or bad publicity, is still publicity and in this case... the more ppl know that the earth is dying , the better. that is their aim i supposed.
