Sunday, March 27, 2011

Life is Like a Merry Go Round

Get sick and recovered, but b4 getting back the 100% force, got beaten again.

Make it DOUBLE.

Queen had finally passed on, I planned to revamp my room first before getting a new one cuz the current state of my room fits neither me nor a new royalty. Seems like plans never work the way you want, so why even bother to plan?

Wasting time before bed with this EEEpc that is super slow and keeps popping alert telling me that the disc space is low. And what is even better is, normally, no one will use this because of its slow speed. But my sis doesn't agree with reformatting it she says backing up is a bother. Best thing now is, the drives won't even open up! I doubt she even remember what is in it.

Been thinking that, this job is getting me really weak with its crazy air con blowing right on top of me and freezes my ass off. Top it up with the annual stock takes, and now my studies, everything is messing up my system like the Japanese nuclear plant.

, life, don't bother to plan.

The thing to get life goes on now is the paintball session this coming Sunday!!! UNLEASH THE BEAST!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:56 am

    didn't know there was a beast within you..
    i like reading ur entries

