Thursday, July 07, 2005


I'm going to change the look of my bloggie...

I want it to be happy, lively and not gray.

What colours sld i use, pls give some comments

But no white, black, pink and blue and no hot red.


  1. Make it into a blog that is sexy or retroistic.

    Or wild and hot and wet. I guarantee high readership.

    Wa lau u hate colors issit. so many banned liao, then sai brown la.

  2. Can u make it more modern. The banner u sent me made me worry for ur future as designer haha.

    Stop saying Fuck u in ur mind WAHAHA.

    My fav colors are white, black and green. Just to let you know.

  3. pls la.. i dont want to make this blog popular. Just want to make it more livly thats all. The one i sent u is the rough sketch.

    Reasons for not using those colors cuz:
    pink/black- too many ppl use liao
    blue - this one is already blue
    white - feel like in hospital or what eva

  4. Study DMD still dare to ask for suggestions??


    use green ba, green is good for eyes, but i dun like

    *in case you dunno who i am, go see my blog

    P.S.: Please tag me in my blog so that i know whether you are alive or dead, working or schooling, living at home or has run away from home with some guy~

  5. aiya since you read my blog still need to tag you meh.. you also dont give me comments haha

  6. din i give u comments say use green???? oei~

    then are u working now or? liyan is looking for u, ur hp no change arh?

  7. this is the first time ma....
    she called me liao la..
    im a jobless person... looking for a potential boss..
