First lets introduce a pair of
Twins!My nephews. Frm left is Zhi Hao aka Ah Hao aka Lao Da, and the other is Zhi Yuan aka Yuan Yuan aka Ah Yuan aka Lao Er. They are bright little kids and veri mischeivious and of cuz CUTE!! But they are a bit violent also, but this shows that the kids are active! Its difficult to take photos with 2 of them side by side.
Then is my neice
Huang Wei aka Wei Wei She's ard 2 yrs plus, and she knows 3 languages, chinese, english, and teochew. But she usually mix them up when she speaks like typical Singaporean. Her lines are "BYE BYE", thats when she is unhappy abt anything, any person. Like when some stranger tries to tease her, she just said Bye Bye and turn away. Or when she is unhappy abt going sumwhere, she will say bye bye and refuse to enter the house. She got character leh. She don' care abt being pretty, she dont like to wear pretty dress, she thinks its uncomfortable. And when she's angry, she starts to pull her hair... Kids now adays.
Then is another nephew
Yu Chen Sld be spelled tat way or is it yichen, anyway, he is a big baby, also 2 yrs old, his size is much bigger and he is a more 斯文 type, like sum gentlement. Hard to get him to smile, as he is usualli in his blur blur look. He looks abit like 蜡笔小新 even his father agrees. His way to disagree is to say Don't want Don't want until the thing is over.
Then is a cute little boy
De En He was called xiao pang as he was so much heavier in size than his bro. His best stunt is to copy 曹百万 to do the 赢家 with his 2 thumbs up. He doesn't have any more cute stuff cuz he is quite old now.
Coming up is his little sis,
Jie Ying She likes to be called pretty, when you say she is pretty, she smile at you. Her grandma said that her uncles teased her that she is ugly, she cried on the spot. Haiyo, so little only and knows the cruelty of life. She is sweet looking, but her family says she is veri naughty at home, she will turn chairs and tables up when she fires up.
Good things always comes last, let me introduce this pretty and kawaii gal
Xiang Yi She is so damn cute sia, her big round eyes and sweet mouth, Arggg!!! makes me like her so much. She is the youngest of all, and she talks abit. Her key sentence is "No No NO No No!" and she can sing some songs already, i forgot what.
Then last but not least is...................................
Jordan aka Zhi Xuan aka Xuan Xuan. My cousin. This little devil, haiz, so damn cute sia. But he is also naughty, cuz he is the youngest in the whole family, what else can we do but to adore him so much. He doesn't want to learn how to speak, the oni correct word he say is 怕怕. He also says Mama to everyone, when angry, happy, sad or what ever, just Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma all the way. He is older then Xiang Yi by one mth, but he still dont speak. Oh yar, that is my mum carrying him. Alot ppl say i look exactly like my mum what do you say?
There are some other cuties and i dont have a chance to take fotos for them, cuz they are too old and not so easy to bluff.
That restraunt that we had the dinner is called 大上海 and the atmosphere is reali veri shang hai style, stine sure like it veri veri much. There is also a small stage with a singer up there singing old songs like stine's fav 夜上海, 夜来香,甜蜜蜜 etc etc. Din catch 夜上海 until the veri last sentence, or else wld have recorded for Stine liao. Hahahah.
Wa piang eerie sia you...
ReplyDeleteha since my comment went missing let me comment again.
ReplyDeletei said jordan is cutest, wei wei also cute, twins also not bad. the ger with big eyes i dun like cuz i noe she'll grow up to be a biatch.
and i also said if i die i will become female ghost who sings oldies haha