Sunday, October 18, 2009


为人父母,都有着 “望子成龙,望女成凤“ 的期望。像我这样的单亲妈妈也不例外。

但是终于让我盼到了!!! 老娘的心血终于有结果,那些兔崽子开花啦!!

用掉我近2年的时间,死了一大堆,重新种了好几次,上网查了又查。梅 的都死掉了,它终于开花了。


要它有果是不可能,但已经足够了。梅!我的也是会开花的!现在来求我给你 cuttings 吧!




相信我,很多人会看的!不屑 飞轮海 没关系。先来看看 陈桃花 的哥哥群。

F4 朱孝天、星光大道 黄靖伦、时尚F4 蓝均天,丁春诚,高以翔


高以翔 - 小S 现任的“新欢”,台湾男模界的红人。
丁春诚 - 台湾男模界的红人。

I'm not going to double time between 大东 and 丁春诚,it is obvious 大东 is having more showtime, its just like peeking at passers-by when u are out on date. Wahahahahaha.

王心凌 不接受大东的爱意又怎样?她比较欣赏的是 黄靖伦,她开心就好!

My sis went shopping at Etude House and said she got tickets to meet Gu Jun Pyo in person, when he is in town next week. I can't help to feel that she is getting more and more like the aunties I saw in Kino grabbing all magazines with Korean boy bands on the cover, especially SS501.

Because I saw lots of brand new SS501 concert DVDs, and a Boys over Flowers OST in my room! But she does not know 神话,东方神起,SuperJunior, not even Sorry!Sorry! She is not into Nobody and can't speak "cam sa ha mi da". She is only 2 years older then me, I'm SCARED!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:20 pm

    WA OMG. Really she met the Gu Jun Pyo? O:

    - jas.
