Saturday, October 31, 2009

Great Day Great Day!!

OMG! My printer is alive!!!

Customer service are bloody cheat money.

Loving online solutions.

I'm so happy!!!!!

Friday, October 30, 2009

Craving for sweeeeeetttsss!

Shiroi Coibito~
Can't remember when was the last time I put it into my mouth. No idea where bro got this, it still taste heavenly! And also the honeydew chocolate some colleagues passed to me before, both by Japanese.

Found myself popping endless sweet things into my mouth recently, chocolates, biscuits, candies... Halloween trend?? Damn! Dumb bells~ where are you??

Unable to settle myself down for blogging, and thinks that if I blog the original entry out, I could be sending everyone into blues.

So cut the entry short.

Ah! rant first,
Why are everything going haywire shortly after warranty ends?!?!?!?! Just a few months.... T-T
First that Creative MP3, then my phone and now my printer decides to choke itself! I hate my life!!!!!!!!!!!!

Korean F4 actor Lee Minho was in town last week and have you read? Plaza Singapura was packed like mad, even the jam on CTE became 2nd and the Shell $1 patrol becomes 3rd. Management had to shut down escalators and stop shoppers from entering B1.

They still wasn't able to see him real life, because there is no other way Lee Minho can enter the Etude House shop for the opening ceremony. Unless SDU is involve. I'm a little comforted that Fahrenheit@IMM is not so bad.

He then had a closed door fan session at St.James, and to get tickets, you need to purchase Etude House products and do some lucky draw.

As I mentioned, my Sis and her friend spent $300 together and got that tix. But only 1 can go, needs a little more effort traveling to and fro St.James so both of them decide to sell the tix online.

Here comes the story:
This girl(woman?) spent $500 @ Etude house, but wasn't able to get tix. She went online and someone is selling for $300 plus, she transferred the amount and bitch went missing! Then she is willing to give $220 for my sis's tix.

If she happens to be my kid, she is dead! Spent $1000 for some Male being that you can only see and cannot touch! I rather you book a gigolo that you can at least touch! But either way none is tolerable!

But my sis sold it to another gal who came first for $170, and both sis and friend were still happy that they now "spent lesser" in that mad sea of pink store.

$300! and risk having your sensitive skin breaking bumps?

My sis told me, "Regrets not learning languages when younger. Otherwise can be translator and no need to go through so much trouble." ........... ....... .. I can't believe I heard it from her.

Thursday, October 22, 2009


XXX 地产公司。请问你们有打算卖房子吗?


我们没打算房子。 我们没想搬家。



Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Why didn't you tell me u go UK?!

Click to see full msg

Congrats Mao! The virus/hack decided to choose your add to spam my junk mail. I don't know what this mail is for.. virus spreading? Con money? But it didn't leave any acct-no.

Brightens up the day for a while.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Super Power

If I am able to use that stickiness on skin, I can climb 21 floors up like Spiderman.

Hmmmm...... too tiring. Don't waste the elevators.

I just hate high humidity!

I also hate pushing my heart too hard. There is no way I'm going to Night Safari on Halloween, even if it is free.

Who has been to Malay wedding? What is the rate of the ang bao? Or you bought gift?

Sticky lizards~~~~~~

Sunday, October 18, 2009


为人父母,都有着 “望子成龙,望女成凤“ 的期望。像我这样的单亲妈妈也不例外。

但是终于让我盼到了!!! 老娘的心血终于有结果,那些兔崽子开花啦!!

用掉我近2年的时间,死了一大堆,重新种了好几次,上网查了又查。梅 的都死掉了,它终于开花了。


要它有果是不可能,但已经足够了。梅!我的也是会开花的!现在来求我给你 cuttings 吧!




相信我,很多人会看的!不屑 飞轮海 没关系。先来看看 陈桃花 的哥哥群。

F4 朱孝天、星光大道 黄靖伦、时尚F4 蓝均天,丁春诚,高以翔


高以翔 - 小S 现任的“新欢”,台湾男模界的红人。
丁春诚 - 台湾男模界的红人。

I'm not going to double time between 大东 and 丁春诚,it is obvious 大东 is having more showtime, its just like peeking at passers-by when u are out on date. Wahahahahaha.

王心凌 不接受大东的爱意又怎样?她比较欣赏的是 黄靖伦,她开心就好!

My sis went shopping at Etude House and said she got tickets to meet Gu Jun Pyo in person, when he is in town next week. I can't help to feel that she is getting more and more like the aunties I saw in Kino grabbing all magazines with Korean boy bands on the cover, especially SS501.

Because I saw lots of brand new SS501 concert DVDs, and a Boys over Flowers OST in my room! But she does not know 神话,东方神起,SuperJunior, not even Sorry!Sorry! She is not into Nobody and can't speak "cam sa ha mi da". She is only 2 years older then me, I'm SCARED!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

You have to Admit that He is Famous

U 频道!


因为 U频道要播出大东的新作品,桃花小妹。
记得上一部偶像剧是哪一出吗?是 爱就宅一起!也是大东 哦哦哦哦哦!!

ps: he got new hair again. Stay tune and get awed.

Just when I used up my Takashimaya voucher, they told me that RMK has made her way into their Beauty Hall.

I have always been so interested in their Cream Foundation, that was always a star pick in the Asian Magazines - moisturising, natural.

When I handed by last pieces of Vouchers to the cashier some weeks ago, they had these "FREE MAKEOVER BY RMK" card over the table. Cheapo, curious and cosmetic mutant - ME, just have to pick it up. 梅 was beside me that time and we looked at each other and said


A ViVi magazine regular, has been talking about her love for RMK since she flipped through her first ViVi. And since she is an October girl, we told her to do it as a birthday treat, and she did, braved through the Saturday Orchard crowd empty face.

Nice, sweet RMK's makeup artiste Hui Peng, gave us a detailed tutorial and RMK's objectives. They go for the natural look, not to much drama, very light to the skin and does not stress the skin.

She not only explained to Charm, she lets the other 2 of us tests the products too. I'm thinking of their sunblock too.

End results

Very sheer coverage, but can see her eyes are now bright and clear. And I think the blusher at the end was good, her cheeks are very well defined under any lights, have that glowing feel.

But for me, I can't live with just these on my face! My M.A.C. StudioFix foundation has got the thickest coverage, and my eyes definitely need more dark colours on it! Like their Autumn Mystique model.

梅 told us that she feels like dying when she look into the mirror when Charm was having her makeover.

"My face looks so bad and the whole me looks so fat."

Brought her to the toilet mirror to make her feel happier.

The Mutant tip:
There are hardly anyone who will look gorgeous in the beauty halls, otherwise there won't be so much business for them. Freshly put on makeups are good because they still have moisture in them and have not OXIDISE, the scary reaction for everything.

Wednesday, October 07, 2009


Finally making some up to standard appearance.

Kawaii ne~~

The only massive pink I can stand. More Kuchiki Byakuya please.

Monday, October 05, 2009

Sunday, October 04, 2009






