Monday, June 08, 2009

More Bling Bling

When you can't get enough of just a little bling.

And is having "want-to-do-some-handcraft" attack

Dig out some old clips or get cheap ones.

And start sticking your lovely diamante.

Now you've got a cheap but shining hair clip! This clip was only $1.50.

Or you can spread your most glittery nail polishes on it, as glam isn't it. This isn't done by me, my sis bought it, inspirations. Fake richness.

Forgot to post a recovered pic of my hand.

The finger prints are still not very clear, but its not peeling nor dry. My right hand had a relapse now.

My back is trying to be funny with me, it is in pain this minute and then the next minute I feel nothing. I hope it is just some PMS thing. I don't want to wake up.

Not in a good mood, even with new bling thing.


  1. Anonymous12:40 am

    i'm gg to do a "how well do u know stine" quiz on facebook. pls support, i'm sure u will ace it


  2. y ur this thing cannot copy n paste link one

    click on my URL to see ba


  3. Anonymous7:43 pm

    wa piang attach this kind of thing to my blog, pollution!
