该说什么呢,我这种赶在时尚与潮流尖端的人,大家都爱跟着我,我也没办法,不称我为教主还待谁?就是对这种东西太太太敏感了,特别是在换季的时候,最忙就是现在。快叫我流行教主吧!!!! 因为我又XX的患上流行感冒!Since they started raining continuously, my nose starts to join the Olympics Marathon, but too bad it didn't win the medal la, some Africans won, no, all of them are Africans, must be training hard with the lions and leopards and deers.
Then I woke up today with sore throat, because I have been using my mouth to breathe too much. I had itchy eyes for the whole week, keep tearing for no reason. I'M SUCH A WEAK ASS THAT I HATE MYSELF!!! I'm doing the Earth no good because I'm using too much tissues, and I left them in my pockets and washed my shorts and the whole washing machine is covered in tissue flakes, so Christmassy.
Ahhhh, so much of it, back to the picture, ITS A HUMMING BIRD! I was told tat its a humming bird la, it looked like a freaking insect more to me lor.
The reflection looks more like a bird la. My sister took it while visiting some place in Taiwan.
Coming back without my crimper, my sister bought this for me.
There are case(s) of dengue at my block I heard! Do you think I will 赶流行 again?
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