She had a clean up and make over. She has been with me since last Christmas, and not had any proper clean up. She had been through blind, failed eye implant, Gothic make up and a temporary eye tattoo.
Now she had surgery and has bling bling eyes, and a star upgrade.
快哦快哦 快绕人来!
3月21日 我家没大人!
食物(自付) 麻将(提供) 游戏(自备)酒(自带)
确定出席者:Stine, Mao, Huichong, Peiyun......... 还有谁?麻烦填上。
小小 '01中华 gathering. 外来者欢迎,但请先交待。
i cant sms to ask the rest of the people... u want get numbers from me then u sms?