Friday, March 28, 2008


但是偏偏就是有人拿着证据,你忘掉了,但就是要让别人看! 而我就是那个她!

还记得当时的 neoprint 好像只需 $4. Thats my sis and cousin.

Close friends beware! You might not wish to continue, as you might see photos that is so scary that you can't stand.

----------Not for the weak hearts ----------------
(but if I can stand, I don't think you can't)
The ZHSS era
Those were the days when neoprint starts to become very stable and cute. And Serangoon Central had so many of them.

My fringe was super short, must be the times that got cut by elim.

This one sld have been burnt if not for the 2 others, we survived O'levels! My eyes are so phoenix and why do I always cut my hair short!

The poses were so normal and all so chubby chubby.

The After Sec

After we graduated, we took it to mark how we change. We changed, and this machine is really bad cuz everyone got blocked and cut off so seriously. Stine, apologies, the machine printed distorted but I have to be fair, no photoshop. Haha

I put these 2 together because the background is totally the same. Sld be AMK Jubilee cuz I was with my polymates. Where is Chanping in the other one? And Jas and Liyan why so at the back?

There was a break after this when camera phone starts to come out and the price increase almost vertically. But camera phone can't take the full body and cannot design freely, so we still take the $8 - $12 kinds.

The Expensive Beauty

Nicely taken and designed, my eyes were still so innocent, haha! Little amount of makeup.

Colour wise a little bright and pale but we had the whole time drawing, nobody took the machine after us. Not much change from the above. We keep taking because our dear Yimei loves taking and she very willing to pay a lot for them. Woooo love you so much.

Just a month apart my eyes grew dark! The very beginning with eyeliners not with eyelid tapes yet I think. YES thats what I did to my eyes everytime you saw me outside.

Hmmmmm, quite sometimes after, and I think I have false lashes up too but not obvious, still modest with falsies.

Very recent one, BUT THE STUPID MACHINE LIE TO US! Suddenly it start printing and we have not complete even 1 pic. Less then 10mins can! Very 不爽. The lighting is good lor. Tsk!

Oops you don't like your photo, ohhh too bad I'm not going to remove it. Haha. And you know what, after Edc's scandal a lot professionals say "Files saved in any disk, hard, soft, thumb, card, can still be traced after years of deletion." So, god bless everyone. Come destory my hard disk ba. ******choi choi choi.


I can't believe it! I manage to take 2 buses to reach my distination safely but my ez link is gone on the return trip!
I'm utterly shocked. I didn't take it out or anything only the wallet to pay and NOTHING ELSE!!!!!!! But its just gone like that. How did it happen?!

Maybe I got hypnotised? Maybe there was a pick pocket? But why oni the ez link?! Argggg. When did it dropped? I didn't feel a tiny bit of it at all.

Talk about dropping, I encounter so many times that the contents in the bill compartment fall out many times b4, and everything just scattered on the floor like 天女散花, and I have to take so long to pick everything up.

Louya Comoditee 绵羊皮 wallet!!!!!!

I just topped up my card few days ago and has got abt $15 worth of value inside. Now I hope that some kind ppl will pick it up, send it to ticket office, kind ticket officer send to NYP, cuz its my student ezlink, and NYP sld be able to send it to me cuz they still send alumni newsletter to me! Now I can't fake student price anymore. ITS $14 $15 worth I can buy lots of things, travel a lot of trips. I JUST CANT BELIEVE WHAT HAPPEN! 见鬼了!!!!

Sunday, March 16, 2008


Woke up at 5.30am
Depart at 6.15 am
Reached Woodlands private Cemetery at 6.40am, that's how fast my bro drive.
每年最刺激的地方,因为真的是有扫墓的感觉,all grass and improper lining of tomb and we actually stepped over ppl's to get to my grandpa's.

Over to CCK for my grandma's, there is always a commotion of "Which road which path what no." And my mum always says “那边有一棵树” We know got tree, there are like 4 trees that grew to a different shape each time we were there. But we know there is a tomb with a snake statue on it near by, interesting. This year is a little different because we were greeted by 2 armed army guys, "You going for praying is it? I need to check the boot." Mas Selamat episode I think. And there is some lizard at a neighbouring tomb and my aunt makes it move and jump and sent me screaming.

Then to my aunt's, to our horror every year, THE TOMB IS MISSING! Because of seriously overgrown plants really is covered till cannot see. Out come scissors and knife to save the tomb. And we got 朋友 over there, 蜗牛!没有壳的蜗牛!虫虫虫!Then a science lesson of ecology starts, “鼻涕虫” “蜈蚣” “蚯蚓” “火车虫” anyway I was on top of other tomb once I saw the snail at my feet.

I needa slp, keep updating on the name list, I don't wana call, haha.

Saturday, March 15, 2008



She had a clean up and make over. She has been with me since last Christmas, and not had any proper clean up. She had been through blind, failed eye implant, Gothic make up and a temporary eye tattoo.

Now she had surgery and has bling bling eyes, and a star upgrade.

快哦快哦 快绕人来!
3月21日 我家没大人!
食物(自付) 麻将(提供) 游戏(自备)酒(自带)
确定出席者:Stine, Mao, Huichong, Peiyun......... 还有谁?麻烦填上。
小小 '01中华 gathering. 外来者欢迎,但请先交待。

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Proud to be a Singaporean? I will think twice now.

This debate was held some many years ago, and my answer was "Of course man! Singapore is the nicest country with everything so world class. Yada yada........ What are the people thinking when they say NO." Now I will have a double thought.

Maybe when a person is growing, you notice more things and they influence you more. I was so bored these days and decide to kill the time by sinking myself into forums and even browse through STOMP. When I suddenly wake up from the desperadoes, I was so shock at what I am reading. STOMP is seriously such a stupid, low class and useless site! How did it appear and stayed on till now?

Articles I read from STOMP includes a No Swimming Sign at the Vivo rooftop, where there are water puddles to play with, a triangular Pedestrian Walking Sign which was turned upside down, most prob due to loose screws. And they have this best ending they always have "STOMP has contact Vivo/LTA and is waiting for their reply." Who the hell has the time to reply on things like that? And with the escape of the world terrorist, troupes are sent out to search the forest and places, some one took a photo of a soldier taking shade under the tree and question their professionalism.

I really think that Singaporeans are leading a stagnant, unadventurous and boring life, nobody wish to step out of this what they think is a comfort zone and anything that need a change and attacking your territory means "Are you mad? You are cuckoo."

Sometimes ago, in a Taiwan famous talk show 康熙來了 there was a discussion why Asian (focusing on Singapore because most Taiwanese artiste came here to work b4) speaks English in a strange tone. And there is a loud complain and argument.

I seriously think what they said is completely right. I don't think the guy is in anyway wrong, we do pronounce those words like that especially the Uncle and Auntie part. Anyway there is no Aunty or Auntie, its Aunt.

When people criticise our fashion trend, "spaghetti top, tube, shorts and rubber flip flops" EVERYWHERE, there are replies like "Singapore is so hot! How can we where long sleeves? We sweat a lot its so smelly and feeling bad. Whats wrong with flip flops? They don't get wet in rain. Us like prostitute? They must have saw the real XXXXXX prostitute, its their tong xiang lor."

First nobody say long sleeves, short sleeves also varies in length, there are sleeveless which are not spags. Nothing wrong with flip flops, but they are not meant for all place and event and there are more presentable types. And if you want to be fashionable, you have to sacrifice, there are deodorant, perfume, essence oil that last the whole day. Hot and sweaty? What about the Malay and Indian woman? Afghan people lived in desert with so little trees some more. How long do you spent outdoors on a shopping trip? 95% of our shopping malls are air conditioned if you are afraid of sweating I presume you won't be risking your life on roadside stalls. No wonder we have so little branding over here.

Recycle? Ok Ok! I heard! Buy shopping bag because they are going to ask me pay for the plastic bag. What the world is going to end? End la, Singapore sure the first to die so small and flat Tsunami come no more le, no need worry. Many countries practice rubbish sorting before throwing, not only ours doesn't need sorting, ours are choked with everything big and small, long and short. And you find leftovers in recycle bin "Yucks! Cockroaches are everywhere! Didn't the cleaners clean properly? Why are people eating in bus? Take photo and post on STOMP, I scared he beat me I take from the back then he won't know."

Making fun of the escaped JI leader is ok, but looking down and not trusting our police and army, I think its really bad. I made fun of him too, I think he is going to make a video to apologise and asked that they stop pasting his picture everywhere, Edison scandal. Stine thought if he is going to dress in Hip Hop nobody will know he is limping.

I have heard so many passer-by saying "Stick so many for what already escape out le. Can find I eat shit, just take anyone and say caught liao la." I saw someone just walked past a pillar with the photo, purposely detour, slap his hand on it giggle and walked away, some one in shirt, pants and tie, I think he need a pacifier too.

Am I proud to be a Singaporean?