Thursday, October 20, 2005


Can you read?
Ans: No Sex Causes Bad Eyes(highlight it)

Ans: Dont ell me you cant count...

How many eyes n mouth do you see?


  1. Anonymous12:40 am

    Greetings Blogger, you have a pretty cool blog here. I was searching for work from home directory. I just started my home business and you can see it at this link - work from home directory. Your post title caught my eye - Illusions. I'm just looking for tips on how to be a better mentor. I know that’s not what you’re going on about in this post but I am trying to expand my vocabulary phrases so I can talk to many different personalities. I mean I have to talk to a lot of people and I need to be able to connect with everyone.

    Anyways Blogger, this helped. Keep it up, I'll be back.

  2. Anonymous5:48 am

    Hey Blogger, you have a great blog here. Illusions caught my eye and I thought I would put a post on it. I'm looking for help.

    The site I have is a work from home directory site. Its all about, need I say it, working from home. I think people should have the choice to build their own income instead of somebody else’s. Freedom of well being and all of that...anyway I was on your site looking for ways to help my business. I'm really looking for ways of building better rapport between recruits.

    Anyways Blogger thanks for the great blog. I'll just have to carry on my search till I find what I'm looking for. Take care.
