Monday, October 01, 2012


Oh dear, totally have no idea I haven't have a post for Sept.

Been pretty touristy the past 2 months with my favourite camera, but not being friendly with blogging though.

Went Gardens by the Bay twice,
Staycation on National Day,
Night Safari which was a total photography failure, but fun,
Mid-Autumn at Chinatown and Singapore River,
And Harry Potter exhibitions, but not with GX1.



I think that's all...

Gonna fill up the gap before seclusion starts.

This time about PHOTOGRAPHY

again. Yeah, nerdy.

It is just I found this clip which helped me understand photography, one of the biggest contribution to the decision to GX1.

 Host is pretty.. monotonic, but great contents.

Aperture is my prime setting now, still figuring out Shutter speed and ISO.

Collection doesn't end so early.

Wants a wider aperture for portraits on joyous moment, have to get it around Jan and Feb to be safe in time. Gonna be a gift to someone. ^ ^ 先卖个关子。


Needs a singular case, the bag that comes with purchase is so bulky! Bought a m4/3 because it is smaller then SLRs, then have to lug that fat ass bag around... 脱裤子放屁。

Ohhhh nooooo, the protruding lens really make cases look silly. Have to be these, but zoom lens' have to be longer, or is there even one on the market? Decisions!

And a strap, neck strap looks nerdy, at least on mine. The surface area of the strap is like comparable to camera, 1:1.

Photography, is a endless road deep down.

Silly Instagram doesn't have computer uploads, so I still have to stick to iPhone's.

Following 500px and Clubsnap now. NERDY~~

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Sometimes DIY is really better


1.Fringe, specifically bangs.

How many times have you woke up in shock that your fringe is in far far away land then what you wanted?

And draws you back to the dark days when your discipline mistress sniped it off when you failed hair check.

Or even if you stayed awake, some stylist just can't stop snipping on your fringe until you pulled away from her grip.

2. Eyebrows.

Beautician love tyrants. Despite you saying 100 times, "Please don't shape too high/thin/curvy", "Natural natural", you still have to walk out of the place in shock.

Not mentally, but everyone on the opposite bench of the MRT think you are.

3. ID photos.

They are so important and highly dangerous. One wrong decision will affect your entire life.

Yeah, it is passport photo time again, one good thing about it is you get to change every 5 years unlike the god damn IC. Have to pay $100 or $150 to do it.

You used to have to make up at home, do your hair, but by the time you reach the studio, you are all sweaty, your make up runs, your concealer melts and the wind had blown your hair in Medusa trend.

How many times have you got sabotaged by heartless photographers when they don't inform you about misfortunes.

Like HELLO this is obviously something misplaced!

You can't choose your favourite angle, dead lighting, messy hair and what not.

That is all the history when there digital camera cost a bomb and the Internet was at a crawling speed of 56k dial up and only hook up with one computer.

Do it yourself.

All you need is a dark room with white wall, table lamp and a white umbrella, or any white cloth to diffuse the harsh light or bounce up the ceiling.

Cheap tripod $7.90 from Fairprice, remote $49 since GX1 has got such accessory, splurge! If your camera doesn't have one, use a timer. And a mirror to check your pose.

Timer shot with SX100 last time. It was mad, I think I used like a full hour for this picture.

You can take all your time to check.

When you go to the studio you only get one shot and that is going to be your fate. In the digital world, you can just snap and snap and snap, no worries about negatives.

Can't decide to be spectacle or not?

Teeth or no teeth? Try some headbands?

Or more accessories?

Most importantly you get to edit off your pimples.

One last thing, read through the ICA guidelines for passport photographs on the web, if not you will still have to go down to get ugly photos taken.

I know there is an App for passport photographs but I prefer using proper camera, and the lighting is wonderful. No Photoshop, just removed a hideous pimple and my skin is like Wooooow.

Friday, August 03, 2012

More Garden Fest

Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket
And this is the one and only photo of us. It was a pretty rushed outing. But I totally love GX1!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Garden Festival 2012: Fairy Tales

Can you spot the fairy?

Definitly reading them, to be like Einstein and save the world!

Can you see who is in the garden?

The smurfs!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Garden Festival 2012: If I can have the luxury at home

If I have all the funds and control what will my living habitat be?

I surely want a balcony, a little relaxation place, a simple coffee table and surround with plants.

The bottom one is my favourite.

If I can have even more, a villa, a backyard

Windy curtains and the sound of flowing waters, I just want to stay at home.

And if I got endless maintenance fees, having a misty mythical forest like one is cool too.

 A room, like this is perfect for watching TV, I will just have the entertainment room all laid with tatamis.

And I have always want a terrarium indoor. Its just so cool like a little forest.

Welcome to my home, hope you enjoy the tour, come and visit next time.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

If you have been waiting..

Sorry for not updating again, I was terribly KO-ed by the flu bug.

 I wasn't even able to clear my show list.

Nose 100% block, aching bones, level 8 sore throat and then now weak lungs, I still don't get how I manage to live 27 years.

Also I didn't have the mood to respond to most of the communication under the influence of drugs, not playing any tantrum here.

Anyway I went to the Gardens by the Bay today with mummy, because the Garden Festival tix has got a 20% off to one conservatory tix.

Thanks to YM for giving her ticket

So hmmm, more flowery photos.