Observation for the day:
Aunties buy skincare in cartons.
It is bad enough to be queuing behind them, to top it up,
they pour the entire content on the table
ask the cost of each product (which was already nicely done up at the area where the product was displayed)
then only pay for half of what they had picked, the staff have to return them to the rightful area.
Shopping in Singapore is similar as shopping for uniform.
Chiffon, butterfly wing tee shirts (not really dislike but do you have to import ALL in butterfly cuts?), figure-less dress, matron fashion. In every stores.
Hate lines like:
"We have this this this, its all new, similar to what you are wearing now."
My thought:
"Why would I want replicas? And I had already worn mine, so yours isn't new, its SLOW."
"Its from Korea/Japan."
Me: "..... And/So?"
I mean you could have sell me with words like, wow its the trend over there, the quality is good, its your style and all sorts of lies to make me pay for the crazy price tag, you opt for its from Korea/Japan. I don't mind MICs which looks the same at cheaper price and less comfortable, it is actually easier for me to dispose them seasonally.
Shopping overseas is really easier, but maybe it is due to time shortage that I buy on impulse?