Saturday, August 21, 2010

Long Long NDP 2010

I am being lazy on the net. YES. So I'm going to pay them back by giving you moving images!

See that lagging plane

How can they fail this after so many years! It is the 2nd must see every parade!

They shot from towers this year! That is good. Now when is the flyer going to join in?

Friday, August 13, 2010

Poker Face + Bad Romance

That is my review. Missed out Telephone I guess.


It is a cruel world


Thursday, August 12, 2010

It is Tomorrow!

This is it, the day for the date with a specialist.

I'm nervous, I'm scared!

What if he/she ruled a death sentence on me?!

I can't part with it...

My contact lenses~

Eye makeups...

They will save me, wouldn't they?

Just saying this makes my eye itch again.

Tuesday, August 03, 2010

I'm can go on hibernation soon...

I'm TIRED, hell tired. Mad rush to get work done, but I thought I should just continue the indoor gardens.

An office surrounded by greens! Considering doing it when the room is officially mine.

The red chair! Wants a balcony.

3rd of August! Jasmine's! You are already doing very well, so... continue with that. Best wishes.

Ok, bed and blankets, come to mama~

Monday, August 02, 2010

You Kick Up the Leaves and the Magic is Gone

From the SGF 2010.
It have always been a dream to have a balcony like that.

I have a bad morning. Today.

Imagine, cool weather, soft bed, warm blanket.

Very sweet dream of having a holiday with the one you loved.

No urgency for toilet.

Perfect for sleeping in...

THEN THE STUPID ALARM WENT OFF! (I even dreamt that it was my ring tone instead, and I was going to pick up the call!)


The night was cold and I had early dinner, my stomach was rumbling so hard that I was on the verge to give up grooming for breakfast.

When at last, made my Holick and settle down for the breakfast, only to find out MY BREAKFAST IS GONE! (Don't make me go into it.)

But at least the rest went as per normal, even have a sparse bus for a good nap.

I have the whole morning to sleep on Saturday, but I woke up sweating under the blanking.

Planned to do the Singapore Garden Festival photos lil' by lil' like the one above.

National Day is here!!! Long weekend. YAY