Well not much photos taken because there is SO DAMN LOT OF PEOPLE. When I tried to aim and press the shutter, some one has to push me north south east and west. Else when I finally able to focus and press, some heads or hp just got captured in too.
These collectible figurines cost up to thousands, you purchase parts join them, change clothes and name them! If you happen to get hold of one sell it! I was trying VERY hard to take nice pics of these dolls but like I say, handphones just keep popping in, and being quite civil, I don't push and squeeze and it will look dumb to hold a bulky 10x zoom cam infront of these dolls.
HP cam 1, camera 0.
Only manage to get these cuz I'm really not into mood anymore after failing so many attempts.
If you really like visit stine's. HP cam 2, cam still 0.
But the WII demostrations and the Animax booth are super COOL! The Animax have this super large Panasonic HD tv, playing scenes of Final Fantasy, AND!!!! They have moving seats, and super strong speakers. So when the Monster fly, and the character jumps the chair response to the sound and shakes and moves and vibrate. If I have this set at home I will want to stay at home whole day. Imagine Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings.
After circling My Playground at Suntec, we settled down at this waffle place for some awful sins.
Will not say it taste nice, its rather small servings, but having a good environment to chill with friends, it not bad. Ohh YM gave us Bear Bricks! She bought 6 boxes and half of them repeat, haha happy for us, not for her.