Friday, January 27, 2006

Gallops n screw...

Have you seen this?
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On papers, advertisements and all? What do you think of it?

I think i would rather ride a real horse or bull if it reali helps to slim down.

Don't you think the models on the Gallop looks like she is veri high? Think of the machanisms under the seat that moves it, they vibrate. U sit on it with that palce touching the seat and vibrates, seems like you are masturbating with that "Horse", and showed that "shuang" look. Its still ok when you are at home alone. I overheard my colleagues the other day, there are some trials at public areas like Suntec and Orchard. Some ladies were trying on that Horse and a grp of guys came by and start whistling, and the ladies still does not know y.

Its such an ugly sight. Worst design ever.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Memoirs of a Gaysha

"Lets walk like a geisha with the umbrella."

"It haaaard."

"A geisha can stop a man with one look."

"I'm Mameha, Stine you are Sayuri, and py you are Hatsumomo!" ( f***)

"Nobody can win me, cuz I'm a true GAYsha"

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

For stiney

I guess you will like this

Why do banks charge a fee on "insufficient funds" whenthey know there is not enough?

WTH!!! My comps!!

Have not got any good things out of my comps. All are fill with errors.

My home comp had been ill since last 2 yrs, but it was still hanging to its last thread of working condition veri well. Seems to be improving after some reformating and anti virus scans and so on. I even just cleaned the fan, hoping for it to work better.

It was just formatted in sept, 3 mths till now. And it start problemmatic. Let me list out its medical record.

Since the heavy work load of designing in my yr 2, its health start to go down hill. I blame it on that lousy, useless and scary 3D studio max. It has done no good since my veri first assignment. It hangs the comp, it makes it goes haywire. None of the 3 or 4 assignments are properly done, cuz in the end, it was usually cocked up and I have to went back to school to chiong it. At the veri last one, my comp auto shuts off everytime i start to render animations.

All those above had been successfully cured by reformating and throwing that useless application out of the list of installtion, improving ram, graphic card and replacing monitor. And it worked well for the first part of my last yr. Mainly because, i was doing my FYP and IAP and i seldom have the enthusiasim to touch it at home. On the 2nd half, it starts to auto shut down when i tried to do my assignments and alot of files are gone! After everything and finished my portfolio it seems to return to normal, no shutting off, no nothing.

During my slacking time, i played games and shows on it and it shuts again. After scans, optimisations and nothing helps i opened the cover and it works well. But a reformation was still scheduled. Finally during sept, reformatted and works well, but that casing still cannot be closed. And a 2nd reformation was done. But main prob is still not cured, so it was left like that, cover not covered but other things are working well. Had been using it quite well for 2 mths.

In the mid of Nov, a fateful router was installed in order to make place for a laptop. Internet connection has nevr been good after that, after 3 wks or so of changing and settings it sort of stabalize except for a few occations. But since then, I cant access to my internet server. The comp's GP suggested for another formatting, but till now, no timing is scheduled, as the GP has lessons to attend at NTU starting on 3rd Jan. And not until the nxt break, he dont have time for my comp.

Wks ago, hell starts to emerge, my media player cant play media smoothly, sounds like some player playing spoiled cds or tape, when i use iE. Add on to my horror, my cousin installed MAPLE STORY, despite warning and instructions that no games sld be installed w/o our agreement. Whats more, she cleverly installed, copied the whole folder to another location and uninstalled the programe. OH MAN! It starts to run veri slowly now. When I run utility check, fatal probs had been found, but no way to cure, cuz its missing files from the OS. GOD, how to cure!! How to reinstall that missing file?!

And now, I cant sign in into my fav, forum account.

And today, I CANT ACCESS TO THE FORUM AT ALL IN THE OFFICE, while my fren can at her place. WHY?! It is lucky that I can access my driving centre sites, if not, I cant book my lessons.

I can now oni begg for a format session on my home comp.